Microplastics concern

Our sachet material is made from plants; it's non-toxic and eco-friendly. Our bags are not now, and never have been, made with PET or petroleum-based plastics or nylon.

Our sachets are compostable; they have been designed to decompose into the organic ingredients from which they are made. You can read more about that here.

The method in which our sachet material is manufactured and assembled requires the tag to be lightly attached to the sachet. This is done with an ultrasonic heat-sealing method, not glue or adhesives. That’s the same method used to attach the tag to the string, and the string to the sachet. The string is made of cotton, the tag of paper with a light wax coating.

We appreciate your concern about what you are consuming! We share those concerns and are happy we can tell you that in our 20 years in business we've used zero petroleum-based plastics in our sachets.